Friday, August 04, 2006

Wrapping Things Up

Classes are over, projects and prototypes are complete, and Year 3 students graduate this Sunday.

The time has certainly flown by, and both students and instructors have grown in many ways. It has been an awesome experience.

For lots of great pics visit:

I return to Boston in a week. But not until after a trip to the Red Sea.


We went to Tel-Aviv last weekend, the more modern most populous Israeli city. Big beach area. We stayed in a pretty nice, large hostel.

Here's a view from the ancient port city of Joppa (Jaffa/Jafo). Just up the coast is Tel-Aviv. For thousands of years, Joppa was the primary port for this entire area. The cedars of Lebanon entered this port and Jonah started his famous voyage here, among other happenings.